The base joint class. Joints are used to constraint two bodies together in various fashions. Some joints also feature limits and motors.
Get the anchor point on bodyA in world coordinates.
Anchor A point.
Get the anchor point on bodyB in world coordinates.
Anchor B point.
Get the first body attached to this joint.
Body A.
Get the second body attached to this joint.
Body B.
Get the next joint the world joint list.
Next joint.
Get the reaction force on body2 at the joint anchor in Newtons.
Reaction force (N)
Get the reaction torque on body2 in N.
Reaction torque (N).
Get the type of the concrete joint.
Joint type.
Get the user data pointer.
User data. Cast to your data type.
Short-cut function to determine if either body is inactive.
True if active, otherwise false.
Set the user data pointer.
Your custom data.
The base joint class. Joints are used to constraint two bodies together in various fashions. Some joints also feature limits and motors.