Calculates buoyancy forces for fluids in the form of a half plane.

Hierarchy (View Summary)



angularDrag: number

Linear drag co-efficient.

= 1
density: number

The fluid density.

= 0
gravity: b2Vec2

Gravity vector, if the world's gravity is not used.

= null
linearDrag: number

Linear drag co-efficient.

= 2
m_bodyCount: number

Body count.

m_bodyList: b2ControllerEdge

List of bodies.

normal: b2Vec2

The outer surface normal.

offset: number

The height of the fluid surface along the normal.

= 0
useDensity: boolean

If false, bodies are assumed to be uniformly dense, otherwise use the shapes densities.

= false.
useWorldGravity: boolean

If true, gravity is taken from the world instead of the gravity parameter.

= true.
velocity: b2Vec2

Fluid velocity, for drag calculations.
