Draw axis aligned bounding boxes.
Draw center of mass frame.
Draw controllers.
Draw joint connections.
Draw broad-phase pairs.
Draw shapes.
Append flags to the current flags.
Flags to add.
Clear flags from the current flags.
flags to clear.
Draw a transform. Choose your own length scale.
Transform to draw.
Get the alpha value used for lines.
Alpha value used for drawing lines.
Get the draw scale.
Draw scale ratio.
Get the alpha value used for fills.
Alpha value used for drawing fills.
Get the drawing flags.
Drawing flags.
Get the line thickness.
Line thickness.
Get the HTML Canvas Element for drawing.
The HTML Canvas Element used for debug drawing.
Get the scale used for drawing XForms.
Scale for drawing transforms.
Set the alpha value used for lines.
Alpha value for drawing lines.
Set the draw scale.
Draw scale ratio.
Set the alpha value used for fills.
Alpha value for drawing fills.
Set the drawing flags.
Sets the drawing flags.
Set the line thickness.
The new line thickness.
Set the HTML Canvas Element for drawing.
HTML Canvas Element to draw debug information to.
Set the scale used for drawing XForms.
The transform scale.
Generated using TypeDoc
Implement and register this class with a b2World to provide debug drawing of physics entities in your game.
Although Box2D is a physics engine and therefore has nothing to do with drawing, Box2dFlash provides such methods for debugging which are defined in the b2DebugDraw class. In Box2dWeb, a b2DebugDraw takes a canvas-context instead of a Sprite: